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by Nicholas Barnard on February 20th, 2003

I ran into a Upper School friend of mine at the conference, so I felt a need to pull out my Yearbook and look through it. I noticed the quote next to my picture, which I picked:

“People take different roads seeking fuillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” – H. Jackson Browne

I remember picking that quote because Miami Valley was a place of lots of highly focused people, everyone had seemed to figure out their life plan by their Junior year, and lots of people were on their way towards being engineers, lawyers, and doctors. I was worried they’d all have a tendency to get narrowly focused and look down at the people who aren’t as focused as them.

So, the question is I’ve been on a path that I believe I’ve chosen, but in lots of ways I’ve just chosen one off the shelf. I’m as guilty as those who pointed to become a doctor long ago.

I think the reverse of the quote is also true, Even if your on a different road, still might mean your lost, and not on your path towards fufillment and happiness.

Okay, so I just rationalized why I’ve decided to find another path and get on it. I think the biggest thing I’ve come to realize is that clinging to the same path even when its not working isn’t a good idea. Thats an idea I need to explore more through A Simpler Way, and further investigation.

Well I’ve gotta work tomorrow morning, so goodnight.

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