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Random things I want

by Nicholas Barnard on April 22nd, 2008

  • Fully electronic tax returns. Not just the filing part with the IRS/State part of things, I think there should be a legal requirement to provide tax forms (1099, W2, etc) as electronic forms. It should have to be provided not just as a PDF or HTML page, they legally should have to be provided in a standardized XML format so you can just upload it into your tax program. Think of the environmental benefit not to mention the cost and time savings.
  • Energy consumption labeling. I want to be able to make an informed decision as to how much energy is used in producing a product and how much is used in transporting it. I know how much Vitamin C is in my Orange Juice, but what about knowing how much petroleum went into making it and getting it to me? This ideally should be split out into two parts pre-retailer delivery energy use, and post retailer delivery use. Two reasons for this split:
    1. Operationally the manufacturing and delivery functions tend to be different operations under different groups.
    2. Many retailers pickup their the products they sell at the manufacture’s warehouse, but not all do. So ultimately this would necessitate some coding on the store’s label to let you know if they picked up the product at the manufacturer’s facility or not.

    Ultimately this whole damn thing is getting down to labeling for efficiency. That tropicana or florida natural orange juice you like, yeah it isn’t as efficient as Minute Maid. (or maybe it is, but I don’t know because it isn’t labeled..)

  • A grocery store that I feel okay shopping at that is within walking distance from my apartment, so I don’t have to feel guilty for adding to my VMTs.
  • Someone to do my laundry, seriously this just gets annoying. Mom, Dad, I never brought my laundry home from college… What do you say about some catchup?
  • Pay as you drive automobile insurance.

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