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I can’t Poop in Peace

by Nicholas Barnard on January 22nd, 2012

I have two cats. One of them is quite talkative and always wants to come visit me in the restroom as I do my business after I come home.
If I leave the door closed he’ll meow to no end and annoy me while I’m in the restroom.
If I leave the door open he’ll go in and out and annoy me even more while I’m in the restroom.
If I let him in then close the door behind him, he’ll usually continue to meow and annoy me.

So I’ve discovered the best way to use the restroom in peace is to pet him a few times, and put him on the other side of the shower curtain until I’m done. This has worked for a long time, he’ll sit there quietly and mind his own business for the most part until I’m done.
However, now his brother wants to visit me in the restroom as well. So I do the same thing and put him on the other side of the shower curtain. In the past they’ve just both sat there quietly…

Until tonight! When I had this feline racket to contend with!

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