Site Masthead: Nick's Place in non-serif white text superimposed over a bright orange high contrast tinted photograph of a brick wall taken in an extreme close up. The brick is photographed with the long continuous lines of grout running vertically. The image is displayed upside-down so the disappearing point for the grout is below the image.

Nick's Place

Nick's Place: GLBT Theory and Issues: Index

Ok, you just found out one of your friends or co-workers is a Lesbian or a Gay man.  So what does that mean besides they get their own brand of porn on the Internet and are attracted to the same sex?  A lot.  I will guide you thorough some of my thoughts on Gay and Lesbian Theory and current Issues.  I will also provide some links to other sites that may be of interest.  So dig in and start clicking!  Oh and a bit of an aside...  Like Freud I quite frankly don't get woman, and lesbians confuse me even more, so I just generally avoid discussion them, that doesn't mean they don't exist, but I just don't really have many thoughts on them, because I'm more knowledgeable about issues facing gay males.