February 04, 2005

The Morning Sickness Revue! Or, Inspiration for a Clean Bathroom

OK, no brainer lesson 1 for morning sickness- no matter how good the tall glass of cold chocolate milk sounds and looks and tastes, it will come back up. In this case, causing a hasty end to a phone call w/ Tom.

Lesson 2- Even though the air freshener smells pretty, when you are already nauseous, it’s not a good idea. Granted it smells better than the inside of a toilet bowl generally does, but it is still an overly strong smell and it does not mix well with urped up chocolate milk.

Lesson 3- Keep the toilet clean (and obvioudly flushed). You don’t want any colorful distractions in the bowl to keep your head hanging longer than necessary.

Lesson 4- There are no foods that taste as good coming up as the do going down. Not even fruity kiddie cereal. This is especially true of oranges and chocolate milk.

I think that about covers the day’s bits of wisdom, although I’m sure there’ll be more to come.

Posted by Jenn at 02:30 PM | Comments (0)

February 02, 2005

Further Support of Geriatricide

OK, so I’m sitting in the Wilmington Pike Meijer parking lot waiting for Tom to come help me with his broken car (don’t ask me- some lights came on, it overheated and the power steering died), and this seems a good time to vent about old people, Specifically the rude S.O.B. who stole my parking spot. Actually, I think it was the same ass who did it before, but I’m not 100%.
Anywhose, I had just turned down the row in the Kroger parking lot (don’t even get me started on why the hell I had to work on a wednesday) when a guy in an SUV started to back up. I stopped and put on my turn signal, and the guy began backing out. He was halfway out of the spot when an old guy (late 60’s to mid 70’s) pulled up behind him facing me. As soon as the SUV was clear of the spot, the geezer whipped in. As he was doing so, I honked the horn at him and pointed that I had my turn signal on and had been waiting for the space. He flipped me off. Hmm, pissing off a pregnant lady (oh, btw, found that out last week)… Not a good thing to do in a convertible POS, but I don’t carry a pocket knife anymore and the paint didn’t look like it would notice any more scratches. Besides, I’d rather not lower myself to that level.
Last time, it was the ass pulling through a space as I was trying to pull into it. Finally I got fed up and found a closer spot after circling again. This time, no such luck. I had to park in the boonies and lug my ladder and heavy box o’ crap all the way into the store. Annoying job. As I was telling Nick, I need to be a writer full time, because I’ve gotten to where I hate people. Especially old people who think that because they’re not dead yet, they should get whatever they want. (Well, anyone with that attitude pisses me off, I just see it more in old geezers.) The good thing? Odds are he’ll die long before I do.

*Note, I do not use the word “elderly”. Elderly implies a respect that the deluded undead I bitch about have in no way earned.

Posted by Jenn at 09:52 PM

Car Jinx?

I am death to cars. OK, maybe that’s a little extreme, but lately I seem to be surrounded by car issues. First, it was my transmission right after x-mas. Next, Nick had battery trouble. Then, it was a couple weeks ago when Mom took out her passenger side mirror. (Admittedly, I had no real direct involvement in those, but it’s kinda like that 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing.) Last weekend, there was the whole escapade w/ Nick’s rear windshield. (Yes, it was possibly/ probably a murder attempt, but it works here too, and I can understand car issues better than some random redneck trying to kill my best friend in a hate crime. For those who know my knowledge of cars, that says something… Anyways.) And now I’ve apparently broken Tom’s car. In my own defense, all I was doing was driving along when the battery light came one, then a minute later the ABS light, then the car began overheating and the power steering died. So I’m now waiting in the Meijer parking lot for Tom and AAA in a car that I’m not willing to turn back on. And now it’s snowing. Perfect capper to a shitty day. (For more on the shitty day, see "Further Support of Geriatricide”)

I swear, I need to be rich. Then I could either hire a chauffer, or at least afford the car repairs.

2-3-05: Tom’s car had a bent thingy-jiggy in the alternator that snagged and broke some belt (the serpentine?) and also in the mix, it was spirting coolant. So we should have the car done like Saturday. Fun fun fun. I hate cars. And I hate that this pathetic excuse of a town has such a horrible public transportation system that I need a car.

Posted by Jenn at 09:50 PM | Comments (0)