Site Masthead: Nick's Place in non-serif white text superimposed over a bright orange high contrast tinted photograph of a brick wall taken in an extreme close up. The brick is photographed with the long continuous lines of grout running vertically. The image is displayed upside-down so the disappearing point for the grout is below the image.

Nick's Place

Nick's Place: WebLog: June 2003 Archive

June 03, 2003

Natural Food?

Why McDonald's Fries Taste So Good -- its an interestring look into what makes food taste the way it tastes.

Posted by nickb at 05:22 PM

June 12, 2003

An invitation

Tommy read The Invitation to me over the phone last night. Its quite thought provoking. More thoughts about it later somewhere else.

Posted by nickb at 05:56 PM

June 13, 2003


I gotta give the BBC Credit for some creative image selection.

Posted by nickb at 11:47 AM